Monday, October 7, 2013

Blogpost 1: Introduction of Beards

Most of us men by the time we reached our puberty stage, many changes in our body occur like increase in our height and weight, and growth of pubic hair in certain parts of our body. And for the young boys whose in the beginning of their puberty stage, they would like to know what changes already occurred in their body so they would automatically faced the mirror and they might noticed first is the hair growing between their upper lip and nose, and that would be the whisker but by the time it grew longer it will be called a mustache or BEARD. My Father can't grow a full beard in his face but only whisker he have, but I don't care, I believed that I can grow a beard even I came from him and I pray that this will occur. Oh! By the way,what is a Beard?

According to the Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary, Beard is the hair that grows on a man's face often excluding the mustache. If you're gonna ask me about my whisker, it's still developing for I am still young and my whisker has time to grow but actually I really don't care anything about my whisker at all, and it all changes when I took an observation and researched about the hair between our upper lip and nose, the so called Beard.

Based on a public affair movie named "Kapuso mo, Jessica Soho" an article/documentation entitled BIGOTE, this was aired on September 9, 2013; that for the ladies, the hair is their crowning glory but for men, their BEARD is an additional masculine points for them. And that's why for some men, they would really took care of their beards and give it a hairdo. For some countries, they have different meanings for their beard. Like in China, it is the symbol of age and knowledge. Wealth is the meaning of the beards in the Europe because they believe that only those who can give their beard a hairdo are those who is rich, while in the Middle East, their beard symbolizes holiness, power and manhood. There are different styles for the beard namely Professor style like the beard of our famous scientist, Albert Einstein, Lampshade for Adolf Hitler, Chevron for Saddam Hussein, Toothbrush for the comedian, Charlie Chaplin and for our National Hero, Jose Rizal, Pencil style it is but for our other Philippine Heroes namely Juan Luna, Marcelo Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, they have beard style of  Handle-bear. Speaking of different styles, an article entitled The Best Beard Styles for Different Face Types by Michelle Powell-Smith, He said that we may opt for a full beard or a small goatee but it
would be better if we based the style based on shapes of our faces. There are proper hairdo for our beards that will be based on the shape of the face. I have a Squared face so I would share what I learned, he suggested that the whiskers should be use to emphasize the jaw by way of goatee, a scruff or even a full of beard but if we opt for a full beard, it must be neatly trimmed in a square shaped and a lot of suggestions where given.Really, I would like to try this out but sadly mine is still a whisker so I have to wait for more years to grow and the worse part is that it might took forever. You can checked his article for more information. In order to prevent confusions in what would be the look of different styles, here's a picture that might help you:
Returning to the first article, it was also mentioned that not only men can grow beard but also women too. The reason why some girls have beard is because a hormone is present in their body named ANDROGEN, it is a male hormone. but scientists says that it might cause worse diseases but as you further watch the video a lady has a full grown beard and nothing bad happened to her so it might be only a hypothesis that a lady that has an androgen present in her body would cause bad diseases.

What would be the changes if we grow a mustache or in the other way around, what would be the look if they removed their beard? Would they be still handsome or not? But seriously, at the first time I saw a beard, I was amazed that not only on the head that the hair can grow but also on between of our nose and lips. But my first impression to those men who have beard is that they are bad guys and as I go along with other men with beards, It turns out that not all men with beard are bad guys, it is just their passion and fashion to grow a beard. I want to try these ideas of having a beard and give it a hairdo because I want to know, out of curiosity, if I would look good if grow a beard, so why don't you try it also. xD

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