Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blogpost 7: Farewell Beards

Have you ever wondered where beards came from? Or where it started? Is there any explanation on why some men can grow beard and why others can't? We all know it is unfair for some men that wants to grow beard but they can't. For we have found out the benefits of having a beard especially it makes us look more handsome than the others. But don't you know that your beard may gone. WHAAAT!! I know it's harsh but it's true.

According to Greg Voakes from his article, The Amazing History of Beards (INFOGRAPHIC), that beards came from DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE and this hormone is the responsible one of the growth of beard and also the cause of BALDNESS. Don't be surprised if you have bushier beard in summer because its level may vary seasonally so it's like Santa Claus that has bushier beard when winter. Let's return to baldness, based on the article entitled What is DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)? What is DHT's Role in Baldness? of Christian Nordqvist, that experts say that 95% of cases of male pattern baldness occur because of the effects of DHT on the hair follicles. If you're gonna observed adult men, they are bald so that means the Miniaturization occurred to them. Miniaturization is the process of the hair to shrink and stays for a shorter period and DHT is the reason for Miniaturization to occur in a man. 

But don't lose hope my friend if you're prone to baldness and if not, that's not an issue for you are lucky. According to Mike Mahler on his article Testosterone is great but Dihydrotestosterone is the king of all male androgens! That if you're prone, there is still a chance to prevent it to happen. Tocotrienols is the answer to your problem, it is a special form of Vitamin E that help with hair growth and slowing down hair loss. See, there is always an answer to our problem. So this means that you can have your beard and your sex drive even you have a high level of DHT.

Even our beard is in the line of its death and we can save them as long as we took care of them for it's our man's facial hair friend. All men love their beards, Right?! Now we know where beards came from. Actually even young adults can't grow beard, some men find a way to grow facial hair by buying a product that can help them to grow hair or some chooses to accept their faith of what they have.

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