Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chapter 3


                This paper attempted to determine the judgment of the people when they see a person with a beard.

                The research design used in this study is the general view of the people, compare and contrast method wherein data from documents and surveys were used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:
1.         Women feared bearded men because for them, men that wear facial hair appeared to be bad guys. And men have no other choice but to shave it in order to make women feel safer. But time passes by and women nowadays prefer beards.
2.         Bearded men are protective in the case of parenting and appeared to be disciplined men, strong, and respected.
3.         All in all, it appears to be that men that wear facial hair are more attractive than men who have none. Even they are look less cheerful and less generous.

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.         It is difficult to change our first impression/judgment to a person and because of this; it will be difficult to approach that person.
2.         People have different ways and kinds of judgment but some this is used for investigations and not for misjudging.
3.         Bearded men are attractive and they appeared to be a perfect romantic partner.

        After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
1.         In analyzing a person from a far distance, it would better if we lessen judging someone else so it would not be difficult approaching/ socializing to the others for we might hurt their feelings.
2.         For the Bearded men, try to keep their beard well trimmed and find the perfect beard for them. Lastly, do not shave their beard because people view them to be really attractive especially to the ladies. They are aggressive and more-respected.
3.         For the ladies, it would be better to not fear them because they are not all bad guys, she might easily judged him on what he looks and fear him but she does not know what is really the personality of him so she might misinterpret him.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/

“How Do We Really Judge Other People?” Retrieved September 17, 2008 from http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/

“The Amazing History of Beards (INFOGRAPHIC)” by Greg Voakes. Retrieved April 4, 2012 from http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/

“Troubled History of Beards” by Daniel Lew. Retrieved March 28, 2006 from http://www.damninteresting.com/the-troubled-history-of-beards/

“Women Prefer Beard” by Chris Aung-Thwin. Retrieved from http://www.askmen.com/fashion/fashiontip/women-prefer-beards.html

“3 Causes for Judging People (and how to accept it)” by Jarl Forsman. Retrieved from http://tinybuddha.com/blog/3-causes-for-judging-people-how-to-accept-yourself/

“Three Kinds of Judgment” by J. L. Austin. Retrieved July 12, 1997 from http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/epistem/rbj019.htm

“The Best Beard Styles for Different Face Types” by Michelle Powell-Smith. Retrieved from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/beard-styles-different-face-types-27002.html

“Your Beard Defines Your Personality” by Kevin Lobo. Retrieved July 17, 2011 from http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-17/beauty/29781594_1_moustache-facial-hair-beard

“Study Finds Bearded Men are more Attractive, proves my mom wrong” by Robert Gonzalez. Retrieved May 6, 2013 from http://io9.com/study-finds-bearded-men-are-more-attractive-proves-my-493130473

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