Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chapter 3


                This paper attempted to determine the judgment of the people when they see a person with a beard.

                The research design used in this study is the general view of the people, compare and contrast method wherein data from documents and surveys were used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:
1.         Women feared bearded men because for them, men that wear facial hair appeared to be bad guys. And men have no other choice but to shave it in order to make women feel safer. But time passes by and women nowadays prefer beards.
2.         Bearded men are protective in the case of parenting and appeared to be disciplined men, strong, and respected.
3.         All in all, it appears to be that men that wear facial hair are more attractive than men who have none. Even they are look less cheerful and less generous.

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.         It is difficult to change our first impression/judgment to a person and because of this; it will be difficult to approach that person.
2.         People have different ways and kinds of judgment but some this is used for investigations and not for misjudging.
3.         Bearded men are attractive and they appeared to be a perfect romantic partner.

        After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
1.         In analyzing a person from a far distance, it would better if we lessen judging someone else so it would not be difficult approaching/ socializing to the others for we might hurt their feelings.
2.         For the Bearded men, try to keep their beard well trimmed and find the perfect beard for them. Lastly, do not shave their beard because people view them to be really attractive especially to the ladies. They are aggressive and more-respected.
3.         For the ladies, it would be better to not fear them because they are not all bad guys, she might easily judged him on what he looks and fear him but she does not know what is really the personality of him so she might misinterpret him.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/

“How Do We Really Judge Other People?” Retrieved September 17, 2008 from http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/

“The Amazing History of Beards (INFOGRAPHIC)” by Greg Voakes. Retrieved April 4, 2012 from http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/

“Troubled History of Beards” by Daniel Lew. Retrieved March 28, 2006 from http://www.damninteresting.com/the-troubled-history-of-beards/

“Women Prefer Beard” by Chris Aung-Thwin. Retrieved from http://www.askmen.com/fashion/fashiontip/women-prefer-beards.html

“3 Causes for Judging People (and how to accept it)” by Jarl Forsman. Retrieved from http://tinybuddha.com/blog/3-causes-for-judging-people-how-to-accept-yourself/

“Three Kinds of Judgment” by J. L. Austin. Retrieved July 12, 1997 from http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/epistem/rbj019.htm

“The Best Beard Styles for Different Face Types” by Michelle Powell-Smith. Retrieved from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/beard-styles-different-face-types-27002.html

“Your Beard Defines Your Personality” by Kevin Lobo. Retrieved July 17, 2011 from http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-17/beauty/29781594_1_moustache-facial-hair-beard

“Study Finds Bearded Men are more Attractive, proves my mom wrong” by Robert Gonzalez. Retrieved May 6, 2013 from http://io9.com/study-finds-bearded-men-are-more-attractive-proves-my-493130473

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

What Judgments do people make they see a person with a beard?

I. Definition and Types of Judgments
            People make a lot of judgments especially the basis of it will be on what they see from something or someone. Well actually, it is true and you've also been one of the victims of judgments. People are more on “to see is to believe”. But first, let us defined what judgment is.

According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, 2012, Judgment is defined as an “opinion by judging something or the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing (http://www.merriam-webster.com/).”

From the root word itself, it means an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing.

These kinds of judgments are according on what J. L. Austin has studied. (http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/epistem/rbj019.htm)
1. Analytic Judgment
            This judgment is more on making reasons and further breakdown an idea piece by piece in order to gain information before making a judgment. It is like before judging something or an event, we tried to investigate and to gatherinformation in order to know what, when, why, and where so we can create a solid reasoning, we normally see this kind of judgment being used in the investigation of police and NBI, and in the hearing o court of appeals but we also used this in our daily lives. We usually do this when we have a question in our mind and our ordinary answer does not simply satisfies our question so we tried to solve and analyze to gain more information in order to generate an idea/answer that will satisfy our question before we create a solid thought about the subject of our question and this is how we do an analytic judgment.

2. Synthetic Judgment
                In this matter, this judgment is whose subject matter is abstract or conceptual. It describes us the concepts and the characteristics of abstract entities. In easier way, you judge someone or something by using your senses (sight, smell, hear, touch, and taste). This judgment is more applied in our daily basis, even scientist use this judgment but it is more on observation (Scientific Method). For example, you observe a product and you judged it by the appearance of it (color, size and shape), by what it feels (rough, smooth, etc.), by what it smells (pleasant/ unpleasant), by what it tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) and in music, based on what you hear then all-in-all, you'll com up to your final judgment if it is a good product or not and you'll even cite your comment based on your observation that will be your judgment.

3. Evaluation Judgment
                This is the last judgment mentioned by J. L. Austin. This judgment is more on the significance, worth or condition of usually by careful study. In here, "judging is beyond descriptive content". The only difference of this to analytical that we do not have to make an investigation in order to come up of a judgment but to make a comment on a certain event, it is like explaining and sharing what is in our mind about an event. From the root word of evaluation, it means that we are estimating what we know about it. We see this kind of judgment to the older people in different places like sari-sari store, meeting places, and coffee shop and especially in the neighborhood. Also, this judgment is focused on the world and to be prĂ©cised, it is about what is happening of the world and the status of it. It is like a "CHISMIS" being talked about the government, economic and many more.

                These three judgments use only five things and that is our five senses. You will notice about it, investigating, estimating and observing. We always do this but we rarely noticed of it. And among these three kinds, the synthetic is more likely to be used for we always judge someone/something based on the outer appearance.

II. First Impressions to other People
                According to Jeff, “The first impression we got of people are very strong and it is often difficult for us to change our minds.” Actually, I agree with him. When I was at high school, I saw the disciplinary officer of the school and he really looks scary and strict to students so I tried to be nice and quiet as I could so he would not noticed me. My impression to him really stucked in my head for a very long time but as time goes by, my impression changes from time to time, he was not really scary for he is a friendly teacher after all and the only reason why he is strict is because he wants the students to follow the rules while inside the school premises. In that moment, I realized that I was wrong about him that I have judged him wrong. Jeff also said that he usually make a conclusion about a person from their looks. “This then affects how we treat that person. In his article, he mentioned some of the facts that we so really use to judge people and some ways that we judge people that seem unfair. (http://tinybuddha.com/blog/3-causes-for-judging-people-how-to-accept-yourself/)

A. The Color of a Person’s Skin
                A study found that light skin blacks were more likely to be described as intelligent, attractive, or wealthy while darker skinned blacks were often labeled as poor, criminal or tough/aggressive. We might also observe that when we see a person with a white a skin, we usually thought that he/she is a foreigner. The people who have black skin are most likely to be discriminated especially in some countries. Back then, white people treated black people as a slave for so many years and discriminations become a part of black person’s life because white people thought that they are far more superior to the black people. I have a white friend and she has a little black little sister. When they were children, my friend hated her little so much because for her, the little sister looks filthy. I think that until now, this judgment/discrimination is still present.

B. A Person’s weight
                A study was conducted were skinny actresses dressing up in fat suits and the result is that people viewed people to be undisciplined, disorganized, and unattractive. Actually, no one has yet proved to us on why we really discriminate them but we all sure that many of us teased them because they are fat. All in all, people liked thin person more than a fat person.

C. The Clothes on a Person’s Back
                        A famous quote that everyone is familiar about it and we can all relate to this quote. “Don’t just the book by its cover”. I know that we are all familiarized about it and of course, we are guilty about it. We usually judge people on what they wear. It is not because they wear the clothes of a rock star that does not mean that they are a rock star nor have the wild attitude of a rock star, maybe it is just what they want to wear. But there is also another quote contrast to the first one, “You are what you wear”. So it is really hard to determine if you are right or wrong about it. For some instance like nerds, he really wears like a nerd for they are a geek but some people wear clothes like a nerd but that does not make them a nerd but because the these clothes look good to them. Even these two quotes are fighting, we still discriminate others by what they wear.

III. Impressions to People with Beards

1.      Women are tending to be easily feared to other people, especially intimidated to men. Nowadays, many crimes have occurred from different places and the majority of the criminals are men and women are most likely to be the victims. Because of this, women are more on avoiding men. Having a beard to a man’s face, adds masculinity to their appearance then spreads his aggressiveness around him that makes him look brave, that in night, he looks like a bad guy that has an intention to do something illegal to his victim. But it has actually changed, a research was conducted and found out that these days, women judged bearded men to be attractive.  (http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/who_commits_crime.htm) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Df-eQX_OQA)

2.      Researchers found out that even other men judged bearded men to be also attractive and rated them to have a high parenting ability because according to Hakim Aalim, wearing a beard increases the maturity and widens masculinity. The reasons of attractiveness of the beards are actually is in the owner’s way caring for his beard. People may have different shapes of faces but the beards can actually adjust to it and have a perfect beard for you. (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-17/beauty/29781594_1_moustache-facial-hair-beard(http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/beard-styles-different-face-types-27002.html)
3.      People need a job to have money in order to live or survive and in the world of business, bearded men were having a hard time to be employed and in order to be hired or to get a job, they are required to shave their beards off and must be a presentable employee to their customers/clients. This requirement is actually the part of the dress code of the businesses. When customers or clients enter the building and saw an employee with a beard, they would automatically discriminate the employee for being a filthy one, then complain to the manager and would not have a transaction to they and eventually, the bearded man would be fired.

            In relation to beard, the kind of judgment we used is synthetic judgment and obviously we judge them by their appearance. The larger, bigger and weirder it is, the expectation of judging is present. According in the article of Greg Voakes, a survey was conducted and it appeared that the other people judged bearded men to be older, more-more-respected and it resulted to be a positive judgment but another survey contrasted to the results of the first one that they view to be less generous, less caring and less cheerful. And also, the women are scared of them because they look like bad guys and scientists think that men shaved their beards just to make women feel safer so maybe this is the reason why we rarely see nowadays men that keep their beards. Because of this, beards became a mysterious thing. Lastly, a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of New South Wales and published in Evolution and Human Behavior found that women found men with beards so all in all, the judgment of the majority that they are ATTRACTIVE.(http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/) (http://io9.com/study-finds-bearded-men-are-more-attractive-proves-my-493130473)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study
            In the past, Beards are already existed, living among us and being treated as a sign of a boy turning into man. It’s been a culture for men to grow facial hair for centuries and it has been a part of a man’s life but unfortunate for those men who cannot. Women lived seeing a bearded around them and for them, it seems to be that the bearded men are more to be handsome and more masculine than the others. Well, having a beard is not only a sign of a true man but also; it is a kind of fashion to them. But there begun a struggle where bearded men have been ordered by Alexander the Great to remove their facial hair especially for the soldiers and if they didn’t, they have to be taxed or worst, get killed. You know why Alexander the Great did this…Here’s why. Alexander the Great have analyzed that in times of war and when it comes combat, if his men are bearded, their opponents might actually grabbed their beards and have a straight punch to their faces from their opponents…It is kind a funny but Alexander the Great has a point. Good thing he had thought about it. (http://mysuperchargedlife.com/blog/how-do-we-really-judge-other-people/)

            As time goes by, beards are back on the track and they are not only back but also, it had evolved in fashion. Back then, men are just letting it long and just cut on the length they want but now, it changed. Men these days do not just wear it but also, they give it a fashion. (http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/beard-styles-different-face-types-27002.html)

            Based on the famous Bollywood Hairstylist, Hakim Aalim, that having these types of beards can actually define the personality of a man wearing it. You know, maybe having this kind of professionalism and experienced can actually do something else besides cutting hair. He said that a particular guy wearing this kind of beard defines you as a bad boy, improves your sex appeal and makes you more handsome. And speaking of having a beard that makes you more handsome, a research has been done about beards. The researchers want to know if who would be the most attractive among the rest. They used only one guy in the different forms of facial hair. In the study, a numbered men and women were asked in which these four is more attractive: clean-shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble and full beard. And the result is that the heavy stubble is the most attractive and viewed as tough, masculine and ideal romantic partners. (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-17/beauty/29781594_1_moustache-facial-hair-beard)

            The researchers observed that when something weird or unusual that we rarely see, it always catches our attention especially if it is weird and we immediately criticize or judge. The judgment may be based from the look, size, color, etc. Even if we tried not to look, we cannot help it nor resist it for we are curios so let the starring begin. As for the beards, we usually stare at it for about a minute or less but if the weirdness of the beard is the case, we are really going to stare at it longer than we usually do. If the others are now starring to the beard, try to look to their faces, their facial expressions and some of you might actually laugh or take it seriously to think about it. Our facial expression is based on what we feel or on what we think and it could make us happy, laugh, sad, etc. We people like to know what the others think about something or someone, it could be a comment or a judgment and it always tickles our mind about it.

            Hence, judging someone is a very easy thing to do but the effect of this judgment could last forever, especially to the one affected of the judgment. Good or bad thing might happen if we criticize someone.

            This paper will be focusing on judgments of people that they make when they see a bearded person.

B. Statement of the Problem
1. What Judgment do people make when they see a person with a Beard?

C. Significance of the Study
Women. They are more to be judgmental when it comes to appearance especially when they see a bearded person. This research paper would be able to help to lessen up and change what they had in mind. This would also be a help for them to see what’s behind of a man’s facial hair.

Bearded Men. They are the most affected in this paper for they have a big part of this paper. This research paper would help them realize why people react in such a way that they starred to them and just realized to know the majority of initial thinking by the people around them.

Future Researchers. This study can help them together more information and can also help them to conduct their own studies through this paper. It can be a guide for them. The future of the beards is in their hands.

Psychologists. Since we want to know the majority thinking, this could be a big help for them knowing the different behaviors for this case is more on psychological side of view. If they have a case relevant to this study, this can be a big help to them and also, a source of information.

D. Scope and Delimitation
            This study focuses on the majority of what the people think when they see a bearded man. Beards have lived with us but now, we rarely see them and very uncommon nowadays. Even women can have a beard also especially mustache, we are only going to focus on men.

            Due to time restraint, this study will no longer discuss the effect of having a beard or any cases/ scenario related to the topic. The case will be based on psychology.

E. Materials and Methods
This research makes use of the general view of the people for the researchers need the comments and judgments of the others and also, we need their help in conducting this research since the researchers aim to provide enough information from what people initially think when they see a bearded man.

Information relevant to this study was used and gathered from various reference materials such as articles from online sources. In addition, a survey was conducted and uses to interview different people around the globe through social website.

Research Paper

The Judgments that People Do Make when They See a Person with a Beard

A Research Paper Presented to
English Resource Center
School of Accountancy and Business
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT-Research Writing

Ezekiel C. Viterbo

2013 December